Magical Items

  • 9,285
28 SUKI!
  • chuckyfreak
  • Naxame
  • stachesan
  • Raymond Moyer
  • Rita Brydzinsky
  • Stefanie Schärer
  • Paula
  • Kimberly Aquino Peñero
  • Jennylyn Jimenez
  • Elizabeth.16
  • Andruu Isunza
  • Thegunner Verdejo Gaete

Magical Items

Left: Familiar Amulet III

At the Stardust Shop are two magical familiars in-training who work as assistants to the shopkeeper.
They are a cat and a rabbit, who are currently enrolled in the Department of Familiars at the Soryu Sorcery Academy.
These amulets are created by mounting the two young lads onto a tiny universe, which serves as the main piece.

Right: Blue Firefly Star Magical Apparatus

The blue firefly is a very rare type of firefly which provides a high level of magical power, but they are famous for being difficult to extract and to handle.
Therefore, I created this apparatus, which allows you to extract magical power safely and efficiently.

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