Magical Items

  • 7,681
25 SUKI!
  • chuckyfreak
  • Naxame
  • stachesan
  • Rita Brydzinsky
  • Yuyu
  • Nabilla Silvya
  • Jennylyn Jimenez
  • Andruu Isunza
  • Carolina Rodelo
  • Timothy Bolig
  • Nina Angeli Tady
  • Qsaku Umeno
  • Tabytha Block

Magical Items

Left: Familiar Amulets
At the Stardust Shop are two magical familiars in-training who work as assistants to the shopkeeper.
They are a cat and a rabbit, who are currently enrolled in the Department of Familiars at the Soryu Sorcery Academy.
The young cat charm is made of Firefly Stars, while the young rabbit charm is made from Translucent Star Stone.

Right: Stardust Bird Replica
Many of the cosmic birds that live near the Milky Way have a tendency for collecting stardust.
These replicas are based on those birds.
Their power is set low, so they shouldn't trouble you by collecting too many stars.

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