Magical Items

  • 6,869
27 SUKI!
  • chuckyfreak
  • Naxame
  • akisyake
  • Yuyu
  • Paula
  • Janine Cruz
  • 蔡渣渣
  • Arielle Fulater
  • Sunflowerotaku 🌻
  • Raul Eduardo Godoy Gonzalez
  • pandagirl0000
  • Andruu Isunza
  • Feroniza Wiguna

Magical Items

Left: Space-time Key

Filled with the amber and blue light of the indigo butterflies that cross the boundaries of space and time.
Unlike the alternate reality commuter pass, this not only allows for travel, but also the use of a space-time portal for safe and easy access.

Right: Crystal Candy -Firefly Star-

Small Firefly stars acquired from a small galaxy.
They come in a spoonful of Milky Way sand and antique artifacts.

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