I'm On THe Hunt, I'm After You...


I'm On THe Hunt, I'm After You...

I doubt many people here remember Duran Duran's "Hungry Like The Wolf." (Gimme a break, I'm an "old" otaku.) Diana or Artemis, here, is definitely a huntress. So, she is on the hunt. I really enjoy mythology, regardless of the culture. It seems that Diana swore that she would never marry and remained celibate. One night, poor Actaeon, a hunter himself, came upon Diana as she was bathing in the woods. Angry that he had seen her in her virtue, she splashed water on him, transforming him into a stag. He ran off in fear. Unfortunately, he ran in to his friends, who had been in his hunting party. They killed Actaeon, thinking him but a deer.

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