I'm off~!

  • 36,607
255 SUKI!
  • robotogoons
  • quangngd88
  • Daniel Kalotka
  • Peter
  • Shira
  • Viktor Szeles
  • Iván Tomás Cotes Ruiz
  • Yuyu
  • Fery Ardiyant
  • Jeremia Persadanta
  • Syed Shadman Shabab
  • Qato Miaumel Jimenez

I'm off~!

This girl’s name is Sora Aoi (蒼囲 空). She is the mascot character of my site.

The neighborhood she lives in is modeled after the Yaeyama Islands of Japan.

I tried to make an illustration of the everyday scene of her leaving in the morning to go to school with her friends.

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