
  • 13,852
67 SUKI!
  • Raymond Moyer
  • PrismAmy2684
  • Raúl Mika De Santiago
  • flayful
  • Batou
  • Olimarc
  • Viktoria Neb
  • Didier Goh
  • Minnie MH
  • 蔡昕芸
  • Mercedes Elicia Jones
  • Ar Li N
  • Julia Anel


I drew a reserved girl.
I like this kind of expression shown at times of love (*^_^*)♡

1 comment

  • Joneve Carla

    i like this type of expression as well, its just hard for a good girl though i guess to have to deal with that expression from another to the good girls guy...but still like the pic though