Streets of Hell

  • 12,280
82 SUKI!
  • xxxpu55yslayer969xxx
  • Stefanus Christianto
  • Jessi Fitzgerald
  • Steven Rodriguez
  • Paula
  • Koucha
  • Kevin Fang
  • Alexey  Kobzar
  • Sou Ginga
  • Quoc Dinh
  • Lachlan Adeter
  • Andres Moran

Streets of Hell

1 comment

  • Mincemaker

    I really like this art. Very industrial-utilitarian. Also, the lone clear figure in the picture is dressed in rags that looked like they came from the Dark Ages. Very anachronistic and out of place in this sprawling factory-city and its neon signs and steam vents. Many signs of urban decay. Hint of cultural regression?