Megurine Luka VOCALOID

  • 393,623
823 SUKI!
  • 雨沐の楓
  • Frtyenbaikh632
  • Denzity A. Roal
  • inory_yururiha
  • floshi333
  • ScarletDraconus
  • Electro
  • Tea
  • Bibito Tsoi
  • HUNCOS team
  • 驪亘朱
  • Damian Cave
  • Tetsuro KOKUMAI

Megurine Luka VOCALOID

Project DIVA Arcade


  • Gustavo Da Silva Augusto

    Muito linda, excelente foto ! Adorei

  • Igor Diogo Fernandes Esteves

    I already told you that I like when you cosplay as Megurine Luka but this still beat the one where you are wearing black like a witch costume you know the one that was awesome that sell me to you.