Rin Natsume
Commissioned by Miyazawa Lulu ( http://miyazawa-lulu.deviantart.com )
She requested me a drawing of Rin Natsume from the visual novel Little Busters! as a gift for her boyfriend on the day of their anniversary of the day they started dating.
During the visual novel, Rin usually sends notes tying them to the tail of a small white cat named Lennon. In this case, the note says "いつも側にいってくれて、ありがとう" (Thanks for always being by my side). The concept was an idea of Miyazawa Lulu herself.
PaintTool SAI
Adobe Photoshop CS5
Wacom Intuos3 A5 Graphics Tablet
Background texture is a remake of one of run's pattern: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=24811294
Rin Natsume from Little Busters! is (C) Key
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