The Hill We Might Not See Again Someday

  • 18,975
127 SUKI!
  • Sherry Zhang
  • João Nicolau Gaio
  • Johannes Marques Del Queiroz
  • Kendra Hale
  • Paula
  • Yuyu
  • Bruno Pokriwieski
  • teddishepherd
  • Mirror_Jade
  • Christopher Snyder
  • Elvis Vasquez
  • Kevin Fang

The Hill We Might Not See Again Someday

My grandfather told me our clan would perish one day
He was right
The earth and the climate is so rigid even flowers won’t grow
And the population of the village is less and less every year
Not even travelers come to this village
As if it was isolated from the rest of the world
But even so, we still have on thing that makes us happy
It’s the flowers that bloom once a year on one side of a nearby mountain
Those are all the flowers we have ever seen
Take a good look
Because our clan will persih one day
This scenery will be lost
And no one will know about this hill

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