Gugure! Kokkuri-san Bento

20 SUKI!
  • Arian Searcy
  • Mirror_Jade
  • Iris Farias Ortubia
  • Kiana Johnson
  • Stella Barcet
  • Ihssane SN
  • FuruChi
  • Nina Angeli Tady
  • Yunho Itsuki
  • Hạt Cát Pha Lê
  • Monya Yip
  • Ridesurfer
  • Garrett Mortimer

Gugure! Kokkuri-san Bento

“That’s a forbidden game”
When someone tells you that, sometimes you just can’t hold back, right? (like Kohina)

And even if you say, “I just saw something scary”...
you still end up opening the door as you stand there scare.

One day, in the corner of the dark classroom, I faced my childhood friend Roko-mama, sat up straight, and placed a 10 yen coin on top of the torii gate to start the ritual.
“Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san…”
*The result was surprisingly accurate! We said our thanks, and left.

The paper that we used back then when Kokkuri-san was popular, which had Yes, No, Torii, Male, Female, numbers from 0~9, and the Japanese syllabary written on it, was the appendix of our book. That might be the reason why Kokkuri-san was near us (or so I thought).
You’re telling me that Kokkuri-san was good-looking?! (or so I want to believe).

Now, all I want would be a good-looking Kokkuri-san who loves to gossip and do all the house chores to stay by my side for good!

From being scared after seeing something to not giving a second thought about scary things...I’ve definitely gotten old, hah.

*Note: This is, to say the least, what we call a “Bento” in Japanese culture.

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