• Aiman Faraz
  • maxre
  • Takeshi Morisawa
  • Raymundo Agama
  • Bankspace Pollux
  • Muhammad Aidil Muhammad

Today, we are reporting on the 009 RE:CYBORG movie! This movie is truly a visual treat indicative of Japan's animation style. However, believe it or not, it was not done using the traditional hand-drawn method; it's actually full 3D CGI animation!

Check out this four-video playlist to get an inside look on how the movie was animated: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cEYhX54Z9n0

In the videos, you can see a short scene of Francoise falling and the gradual progression of her face from a 3D CGI raw model to a finished product. After seeing the videos, it's easy to understand the great amount of time and effort that went into making this movie.

Visit the 009 RE:CYBORG official English site to learn more: http://009.re-cyb.org/

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