Toyota Amlux Tokyo Itasha Event Displays High Quality Itasha

Petit-Ita Festa, an itasha exhibition, was recently held at Toyota Amlux Tokyo in Ikebukuro, Tokyo. All of the cars had really high quality designs!

As expected, the cars that were displayed at the event were all outfitted with otaku-inspired designs that were intricate down to the tiniest details.

After seeing all of these itasha, don’t you want to make your car an itasha too?

Toyota Amlux Tokyo Itasha Event Displays High Quality Itasha 1
Toyota Amlux Tokyo Itasha Event Displays High Quality Itasha 2
Toyota Amlux Tokyo Itasha Event Displays High Quality Itasha 3
Toyota Amlux Tokyo Itasha Event Displays High Quality Itasha 4
Toyota Amlux Tokyo Itasha Event Displays High Quality Itasha 5
Toyota Amlux Tokyo Itasha Event Displays High Quality Itasha 6

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