The Beginner’s Guide to Otaku Japanese Part 1: The First 20 Words

The Beginner’s Guide to Otaku Japanese Part 1: The First 20 Words

Want to win TOM points to spend on the TOM Premium Shop? Want to pick up some basic otaku vocabulary? Introducing the Beginner’s Guide to Otaku Japanese! Check out this list of basic vocabulary on family and character types, fill out the quiz the bottom, and stand the chance to win $5 in TOM points! Three lucky winner will be announced in our next article! Good luck and Have fun!

20 Otaku Words for the Absolute Beginner
tadaima - I’m home
imouto - younger sister
otouto - younger brother
otoko - man
onee-san - older sister
onna - woman
onii-san - older brother
otou-san - father
okaa-san - mother
oba-san - aunt
oji-san - uncle
obaa-san - grandmother
ojii-san - grandfather
goshujin-sama - master
moe - a characteristic that can be described as innocent and cute, applicable to objects, people, situations and more
loli - childish person, loves sweets and sugary food, has nicknames for everyone
kuudere - person, calm and cool outside but sweet and kind inside
dandere - person, barely says much until the right person/thing comes along
tsundere - person, cold on the outside, secretly warm inside
himedere - person, a tsundere type who thinks she is a princess

And now put your knowledge to use and stand to earn TOM points!
Select one word from above (can be repeated) for each of the 10 numbers and send the answers to us with this form: The three lucky winners will be announced next week!

Haru: Have you seen the season finale of Soul Eater Not!? I love the characters! I especially like the cute, innocent, short character. So cute! She’s so (1).

Aki: The show’s like a (2) explosion!

Haru: Definitely. Oh! Have you seen the first episode of Sailor Moon Crystal? My little sister, or (3), was all over it. I’ve never seen her so enthralled by an anime before!

Aki: Really? My older sister, or my (4), has recently started watching the new season of Black Butler. She even started calling me (5). I think she may be too into that show...she’s not a butler.

Haru: Haha! Wow! I wish I was refered to like that!

Aki: You’d have to be an old (6) to get respect like that, Haru.

Haru: Ok, time to change the subject!

Aki: It’s true Ha-

Haru: What did you think about Tokyo Ghoul? I’ve started watching it with my older brother, my (7). My younger brother, or my (8) wants to watch too, but my father, or (9), won’t let him. Paranormal stuff gives my little brother nightmares.

Aki: Yeah, I can’t handle paranormal anime much either.

Haru: Aww come on, Aki. At least try some! You’ll like it!

Aki: Nope. Nope. Nope.

(Stubborn Haru didn’t let this stop him. He promptly dragged Aki to his house, shouting “(10)” as he entered. Aki was forced to watch hours of the show, and fittingly had nightmares for a week. Moral of the story: Aki should stick to Sailor Moon.)

© This is a TOM Summer Ninja Academy 2014 original article.

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