S.U.K.I. Spread Unity. Keep imagining.

The Power ofSukiUnites Us.

“Suki” (pronounced soo-kee) is a Japanese word that means “loving (something or someone)” or “having as a favorite.”
It’s what we believe to be otakus’ biggest strength:
Being proud of one’s suki.

The power of suki makes us devote ourselves to something. It makes us connect with the people around us. It makes us grow stronger. It can even lead us to change the world eventually.

That’s right. If you keep cherishing and fostering your feelings of suki,
they’ll bring happiness to you.

Then, your suki will ripple around you.
It will connect to the suki of those around you and worldwide.
Then you’ll know you’re not alone,
and you’ll be proud of having fellow otaku friends living all around the world.

Tokyo Otaku Mode supports and empowers your suki!

Who You Are Through What You Like


#SUKI100 is a questionnaire project aimed at compiling your suki, as well as those of other otakus worldwide.

When you reply to the 100 questions, we’ll issue you a URL to a page with your answers so that you can share them with the world. Use your answers as a self-introduction: you can post them on social media, paste the link to your profile, use them for your YouTube videos, and so on.

The top page will show someone’s suki at random, so you can check their answers out and find your next suki!

There’s no need to reply to all of the 100 questions in one go. You can save as you go, so try it out.



  • Ninja-kun
  • Ninja-kun
  • Ninja-kun
  • Ninja-kun
  • Ninja-kun

Ninja-kun Icon Free Download

We created icons of Ninja-kun, Tokyo Otaku Mode’s mascot, that you can use on social media.

Feel free to use them and be part of the world of suki!