Tokyo Ghoul Merchandise
Written and illustrated by Sui Ishida, Tokyo Ghoul is the hit manga series serialized in Weekly Young Jump. A sequel to Tokyo Ghoul, Tokyo Ghoul:re began in 2014 as well as a prequel series Tokyo Ghoul: JACK on Jump Live. The TV anime adaptation produced by Studio Pierrot aired in 2014 and was followed by a sequel Tokyo Ghoul √A in 2015.
Tokyo Ghoul is set in an alternate Tokyo where flesh-eating ghouls live in secret among the normal population. Protagonist Ken Kaneki finds himself drawn into this strange world when he accidentally goes on a date with a ghoul, Rize Kamishiro, and gets into an accident whereupon he receives a transplant from her at the hands of unknowing doctors. Now a half-ghoul himself, Ken needs to eat human flesh and is taken in by the ghouls who run the Anteiku coffee shop including waitress Touka Kirishima, and manager Yoshimura, who teach him how to survive in his new form.
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