In Animal Crossing, players move to a village inhabited by only the friendliest of animals, and begin their new easygoing life socializing, paying off debts, improving the town, collecting fossils, fishing, and more! With four main games to date including Wild World, City Folk, and New Leaf, and spin-offs Happy Home Designer and Amiibo Festival, the series has turned millions of players worldwide into happy villagers, becoming one of the most popular Nintendo series on the Wii U and 3DS.
While Animal Crossing is known for its laidback, relaxing gameplay, the series is is also a hit with its countless interesting characters that color its world including the hard-working mayor’s assistant Isabelle, everyone’s favorite barista Brewster, the every-busy mailbird Pete, the stylish Socks, the charismatically cool K.K. Slider, the opportunistic businessman Tom Nook, the short-tempered Mr. Resetti, the recycling enthusiast Reese, and the talented and shy seamstress Mabel. With every iteration, the series continues to grow and offer players a chance to enjoy an easy-going life separate from their own!