“I-I don’t know anyone with such an embarrassing name!” Sagiri Izumi, better know as Eromanga Sensei, is coming to life as a figure full of adorable charm! This exclusive figure was designed jointly by viewers and the voice actress of Sagiri, and is available only on Tokyo Otaku Mode!
This project all started from the web series “Eromanga Sensei The Anime: Let’s Make The Latest Anime Together!” In an episode based on the concept of allowing readers and viewers to create a figure from the most recent anime, the voice actress of Sagiri Izumi, Akane Fujita, collaborated with viewers to design the figure together. The figure you see on this project page is the result!
The light novel series was adapted into “Eromanga Sensei” the anime, which began airing in April 2017. Thanks to the series’ attention to detail in expression and the adorable design of Saigiri, the series became an enormous hit.
The deluxe version comes with two very special bonus items: the Akane Fujita Photo Collection Book, and an Eromanga Sensei postcard featuring the autograph of the light novel’s author, Tsukasa Fushimi! The front of the postcard features an illustration by A-1 Pictures of Sagiri in the same pose as the figure, and on the back, a handwritten message from the President of Straight Edge Inc., Kazuma Miki!
Getting excited? Oh, we’re just getting started.
Price: 13,000 JPY (shipment cost will be added to price)
Deluxe Version
・Sagiri Izumi Swimsuit & White Shirt Ver. Figure
・Akane Fujita Photo Collection “Akaneiro” (B5 paperback book, full-color, planned to be approx. 100 pages)
・Tsukasa Fushimi Autographed Postcard (Illustration by A-1 Pictures)
・Kazuma Miki Handwritten Thank You Message
Price: 15,000 JPY (shipment cost will be added to price)
More information on Akane Fujita’s Photo Collection is here!
This figure is currently in the development phase; any images displayed are for reference only. Final product may vary.
Figures are painted by hand; each individual product may differ slightly.
Take note of her slightly embarrassed expression, with which she seems to cutely whisper, “I didn’t even want to pose like this…” Ahh~ what a sight to behold!
The details of her facial expression have become even cuter in this final version!
The stand comes with a “mysterious being” decoration from the Oreimo series!
It’s known as the Green Octopus, and may or may not be fear-inspiring…?
The “pink being” has also been recreated! But the real focus is on the peach-colored, cute cushion in the foreground of the photo.
Yes, that’s right, it’s the heart-shaped cushion that Akane Fujita created herself~! (Awesome!!)
Sagiri is posed sitting in only an audacious bathing suit and a white button-down shirt! This pose, which is composed of the ultimate golden ratio between pink swimsuit and cute thighs, can only be described as top-class.
The space between her thighs and the button-down shows a baaarely there chest, but it is there! Akane Fujita supervised the shaping of this area to make the chest the perfect size. It’s truly wonderful.
Effort has been made to recreate the small love handles that are shown when girls sit like this. Sagiri’s charm is that she has a risqué side despite being so young! We also added a ribbon to her back!
Finally, Sagiri’s trademark is her long hair. The movement of her hair streams like water and even the gradation to pink has been faithfully recreated! Overall, her hair color is as close to the original as we could possibly get it! We also made adjustments to make her gradiation seem more cute and natural!
Alright, everyone! Hurry up and send in your pre-orders! Don’t miss your chance to order a figure filled with both Sagiri Izumi and Akane Fujita’s charms!
Photo Collection Concept
”My First Date with Akane Fujita in Hakone”
Finally, I’ll be able to visit Hakone with the woman of my dreams, Akane Fujita.
It’ll be the first time for us to be alone on a date.
We aren’t dating yet, but surely this trip will help close the distance…
Despite my low chances, I continue to hope as I approach the fated day.
It took me a little over an hour from Shinjuku on the Odakyu Line Romance Car before I finally arrived at Hakone Yumoto Station. As I was waiting at our agreed upon spot in front of the station...the angel-like Akane Fujita came to me.
“I bought these clothes yesterday, but what do you think?” She started a conversation, seeming a little embarrassed.
Once again, I thought to myself, ‘Today is my date alone together with Akane Fujita!’
It seems this was the first day off for Fujita-san in quite a while, and she was in very high spirits.
She started to splash about in the stream that flows close to Hakone Yumoto Station, enjoyed looking at various magazines at a souvenir shop, and stuffed her cheeks with Hakone’s delicious specialty, kuro-tamago.
I watched her through sidelong glances, completely nervous the entire time, to the point where I couldn’t remember much of anything that we talked about.
Perhaps noticing my nervousness, Fujita-san said, “Let’s take a break,” and we entered a Japanese inn near the mountain railway.
After waiting in the lobby for a while, she surprised me by changing into a yukata!
She seemed just a tiny bit more mature than usual. Her shy smile and blue morning glory patterned yukata suited her very well.
Touched by her kindness, before I knew it my nervousness had completely disappeared.
Our date continues on.
Fujita-san catching her breath at the inn, Fujita-san enjoying her food, Fujita-san pouting because she was tired of walking, Fujita-san saying, “Shhh,” when it seemed we might get caught by her fans, Fujita-san being prim and proper while admiring the flowers in Gora Park…
Today, during this date, I’ve caught a glimpse at many sides of Fujita-san that I’d never been able to see before.
This is the present that Akane Fujita showed to me in Hakone, a gift given only to us: the shape of “Akaneiro.”
Please look forward for Akane Fujita's first Photo Collection, “Akaneiro”!!
Interested in seeing how it happened? Watch the episode here: Eromanga Sensei The Anime: Let’s Make The Latest Anime Together!
When the results of the survey came in, the pose with the most votes was...
The sitting pose!
Next, we turned Akane’s pose into a sketch of Sagiri.
You guessed it - the outfit that Sagiri is wearing in this figure was also designed by viewers. We received countless outfit suggestions, and from them the following two were selected: “swimsuit” and “white button-down shirt only”. We combined these two suggestions to create the outfit you see here!
Now, we turn the sketch into one awesome figure!
This 3D-printed model is a sample composed of plaster and is for the purpose of form inspection only. The material, form, color, and other aspects of the final product for sale will differ.
Sagiri is a “hikikomori” (shut-in), which means she probably doesn’t get as much exercise as she should. With that detail in mind, we’ve appropriately made her just a little bit plumper. Along with the feminine curves from the chest area down to the abdomen area, we’ve fully incorporated the “puni puni” (soft and squishy) characteristic of Sagiri as well.
So, what do you think?
Hang on, that oversized shirt… Does that belong to Masamune?
In this figure, Sagiri is wearing a skimpy, vividly colored bikini. Loosely clad over it is a white button-down shirt.
You may be thinking, if you’re going to call this figure “a little bit ecchi”, why not ditch the shirt and just have her in a skimpy bikini?
No. No, desu.
Just imagine, what if that shirt belongs to that certain someone Sagiri has feelings for? That’s right. That changes everything, doesn’t it. It’s precisely that kind of maiden’s mindset that the addition of this white shirt expresses.
And we haven’t forgotten Sagiri’s trademark, either.
Sagiri’s most charming characteristic is the long, straight, silver hair that flows from her childlike body. Taking full advantage of the playful posing only possible with a figure, we’ve given the flow of her hair a dynamic final touch. And of course, we haven’t forgotten her charming pink ribbons, either!
Details, details everywhere!
Sagiri sits on the figure base surrounded by all her favorite stuffed toys. The pile of colorful, plump plushies really are the icing on the cake.
Behold, a Sagiri figure that completely recreates the world of Eromanga Sensei!
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A: Rewards are scheduled to be shipped out from May 2018.
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