50% OFF coupon tips & info | View it in your browser
Tokyo Otaku Mode SHOP
Here are tips on a few different ways to make the most of TOM Week savings. It all depends on what you’re looking for!
Getting 50% OFF Coupons
You’ll get 50% off coupons for every purchase of an product w/ label GET50. Premium members can also get even more coupons from Premium Point Reward items.

Want to rack up as many coupons as you can with minimal spending?
★ Browse GET50 items sorted by lowest price
★ Join Premium for Point Rewards starting at $1

Plus: get coupons from certain brand new pre-orders, too!
★ Browse GET50 items sorted by new
Using 50% OFF Coupons

These coupons can be used on any product w/ label USE50.

If you’re looking for the maximum amount in 50% OFF savings:
★ Browse USE50 items sorted by highest pre-coupon price
★ Browse USE50 figures with a pre-coupon price over $100

If you’re looking for the highest discount rates possible:
★ Browse USE50 items that are already on sale
(Coupons will take another 50% off the sale price!)

If you’d like to take 50% off already rock-bottom prices:
★ Browse USE50 items sorted by lowest price

Reminder: You can only GET coupons until the end of TOM Week (April 10 PDT), but you have until the end of April 2020 to USE them. Take your time!
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